Sunday, 6 June 2010

My Backpain!

My Back problem started when I was in my late teens.
In 1983 I worked at a makeup factory as a lipstick moulder (making lipsticks) which included the job of lifting heavy trays of lipsticks after I had moulded them. I found that I frequently had periods of low backpain which did ease with laying on a flat surface (either hard floor or firm settee) It became increasingly difficult to get up after laying down and I had to roll onto my right side then struggle to stand!
After having my first Son in 1987 the Backpain would return frequently due to lifting him,bathing him ect. I returned to work in the evenings Where again heavy lifting was involved!

The pain was in my Lumber region "L5 S1" My Doctor prescribed medicines to ease the pain and I was told not to lift anything heavy and to return to my job but only do light duties! On returning to work they put me onto jobs that required lifting so I had to do it (I did complain) but they still made me do them! I was in tears with the pain and the Company I felt didnt believe me about my Backpain!

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