Wednesday, 2 February 2011


I still haven't brought myself to phone my Physiotherapist but the prospect of being pushed and pulled around just doesn't appeal to me at the moment, maybe I am afraid of what he will do! Will he help my muscles from being so tensed up?

I havent been able to lay on my left side for over fourteen years, it has just been too painful because of the nerve damage! I always lay on my right side and have a pillow between my legs we have a very good bed and good sprung mattress. If someone reads this maybe they could help with my questions I really dont know what to do!

plodding along!

I really hope that the weather will start to get nicer as the cold doesn't help my pain in the least!
I wrote to a lady on the backcare forum the other day and this is what I wrote: This are going on OK, I am still in a lot of pain with my lower back and still taking all of my meds.
I have been suffering with torn ligaments in my shoulder blade over Christmas ( not to do with my back at all) I don't know how this happened) My Dr gave me some cream to rub on the area.

Unfortunately a while back I was admitted to my hospital as I had a really bad Migraine and the Consultant said that it may have had something to do with my SCS, So I am a little worried that I may get these attacks regularly.
I will be having My Yearly check soon so I hope that they will be able to adjust my SCS a little bit better for me. I tend to keep it still on 24/7 normally on the same setting all of the time!

I still find it quite hard to cope with the fact that I have Failed Back Surgery syndrome and obviously I cannot do the things that I use to do, But I make the most of what I do have and try to take my mind off of my pain by card making and my Husband makes me laugh, we have fun and what I mustn't forget is my family suffer also, so I try to be jolly for them really!

Friday, 14 January 2011

New Year 2011

Just recieved my Pain Concern Magazine and it has a page on " Blogging" Which is brilliant as I want my blog to help people and tell them of my Journey, my experiences and hopefully they can contact me with questions and I will try to help as much as I can!